
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Width Test

I spotted this bench a month ago while driving down my street. It was just hanging out on someone's tree lawn waiting to be thrown out. I hopped out of the car to take a closer look. It was part of a kitchen sectional that included a larger size bench and a pie shaped connector piece. The dingy, brown, oil cloth upholstery and goldenrod paint lead me to believe it had been born in the seventies. I inspected the piece to make sure it was worth saving. The back piece and seat were stapled to a sturdy wood base that easily attached to a metal frame. There was no sign of significant rusting or decay. It passed inspection so I snatch it up and drove it back to my house.

One weekend and less than $30 later....

Brown Bench Before


Brown Bench After

Ta-Da! The lovely addition to my new apartment.

Categories: art, DIY

Monday, December 22, 2008

This is a test of a static page

Friday, August 1, 2008


Glitter text, blinking backgrounds, whiny blogs and teenage angst. These are some of the things that came to mind when I thought about It is also the reason I neglected my profile for so long. But after some reconsideration, addition of some new friends and posts in recent etsy forums, I decided to revamp my myspace and return to the online community*. Don't worry no glitter text or blinding graphics here. Check it out!


*the "about me" section of my blog now links to my myspace profile. Feel free to stop by and learn a little about me.
Categories: etsy, art

Test Post

This is my latest sketchbook. A present for my very talented, and deserving boyfriend.

This book is a lot larger than the ones listed in my etsy shop. The technique is also slightly different/improved. It's body is made from a blank, hardcover sketchbook I found at a second hand book store. I love making my wood grain sketchbooks because each one is so unique. As I sculpt and paint the woodgrain finish I try to match the color and texture to fit the reciever's style and personallity. That's the beauty of handmade. One size, style, color, shape does not fit all and should never have to.

Categories: art, etsy, sketchook, DIY